For those caught in the struggle.
I’ve lived in my car, and my copilot was alcohol and drugs.
Even a couple of years into my recovery journey I would still get nervous when cops were behind me because my mind carried a residue of fear after living in active addiction for over a decade.
I stared down the barrel of a gun that I was holding contemplating if life was worth living. This sad reality happened more than once.
I’ve had multiple active warrants out for my arrest all at the same time. I don't miss living in that fear.
I’ve gone a couple of days without food because I used my last dollars for gas in the car.
And I thought that was how life was supposed to be lived.
I know what it’s like to hide in a dark room and pull a blanket over my head afraid of people and the sunlight. My heart still goes out to people trapped in this dark reality.
I also know what it’s like to have all my legal consequences wiped clean in a day. Only the grace of God could do that!
I also know what it’s like to be used by God to stop someone else from suicide while they were holding a noose. From hopeless, to hope dealer...only God can do that.
I also know what it’s like to live over a decade drug and alcohol-free. When God enters the scene so does real freedom.
I also know what it’s like to love people so much that I chase them down on the street to pray for them sometimes. Once you experience His love, you become possessed to give it away.
I also know the unspeakable joy of being a husband and father. A true gift.
I also know what it’s like to know God, not just know about Him, but know Him.
There is a BIG difference. Knowing Him is the joy of my life.
No matter how low you’ve gone, God can RADICALLY transform your life. As a matter of fact, it’s what He’s best at.
Give God an inch, and He will give you a mile.
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