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Writer's picture: Erik Frederickson - Life Coach and Recovery CoachErik Frederickson - Life Coach and Recovery Coach

From Guest Blogger and Recovery Advocate Jessica Sanders

In my 6 years of recovery I have spent many days in and out of meeting halls. Surrounded by recovering addicts and alcoholics. I have a very high value for the program and I have seen the promises come true in my own life. I will also tell you that I have seen two types of recovery.

Let me explain, I have seen a person in recovery scraping and clawing their way one day at a time through the years. Trading drugs and alcohol for copious amounts of nicotine, caffeine, and sugar. Their thoughts still consumed with their struggle and negativity. To be honest, the only thing that has changed is they quit using drugs and alcohol.

Then, there is the other type. The ones who are full of real, lasting joy. It can be seen on their faces, heard in their voices, even seen in the way they walk. They are exuberant and eager to share the hope that they have found. Ones who are full of gratitude and their conversations are full of wisdom. They are authentic and their lifestyle has completely changed. It's genuine and attractive to people who are listening. They are people who have something others want.

That something happens to be a true spiritual experience and it is available to every single living, breathing person who walks on this earth. It's not some magical feeling that falls from the sky. This real spiritual experience is a choice to turn your life and your will over to the care of God. Not just any God, but Jesus Christ.

To go even a step further by choosing to make Jesus the Lord of your life. This means that you no longer live your life for yourself but instead you live your life to please God. You learn what pleases God by learning about who He is and listening to what He has to say. All of these things are found in the Holy Bible. If you make a real decision to turn your life over to Jesus it only makes sense to find out who you're handing all of your attitudes and actions to.

If you go looking for Jesus you are promised to find Him. When a person in recovery truly turns their lives over to God and works through an honest program they do recover. Their lives become transformed and their minds renewed. They think and live differently. They become completely new people. Once you taste and see this new recovered life you only want more. A true spiritual experience produces life, while doing things our own way only brings struggle and ultimately death.

This is my experience in recovery. Turning my life and my will over to Jesus has been the greatest decision of my life. Letting Jesus be the one in charge has helped me to thrive in recovery and I'm still going strong today. Today, choose life! Choose Jesus!


Erik Frederickson is Life and Recovery Coach. He has clients all over the world and he is considered an expert at helping people transform their life in powerful ways.

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Writer's picture: Erik Frederickson - Life Coach and Recovery CoachErik Frederickson - Life Coach and Recovery Coach

In the early 1400’s France was deep into “The 100 Years War," but prophecy had been circulating the region for years about a young maiden that would lead France to victory.

As young as 13 yrs old Joan of Arc spoke of seeing and encountering heavenly beings, and hearing God speak to her. She said that God told her that she would lead France to victory and drive the English out of France.

Poised after her encounters with God at the age of 16 yrs old she had her uncle take her to a local military stronghold where she demanded they take her to Charles the 7th so she could council him on military matters and help, "deliver France from her misery." She went with her hair cut short and dressed as a man.

They paid her no mind. She returned a bit later and told them, "there will be no help if not from me." She than proceeded to give them prophetic insight as to a specific battle and exactly what would happen in this battle.

That specific battle played out exactly as she prophesied. The local military then agreed to take her to Charles the 7th. Charles the 7th, knowing of her coming, wasn’t fully convinced.

The two had never met and upon Joan of Arc arriving (dressed like a man) Charles the 7th dressed in disguise and hid in his entourage to see if she was for real. Joan didn’t kneel at the dressed up King’s feet when she arrived, she detoured and picked the disguised King out inside the King's chambers and addressed him as King.

Still not fully convinced Charles put her under a microscope and had theologians and political leaders inspect her life to see if she was legit. She passed their tests as a teenage girl and France's top theologians and political advisors deemed her as, "pious, devote, virtuous, and above all, certain of her message."

She lead the army of France to many victories. In multiple occasions being wounded in battle and still leading the charge. On at least one occasion a commander of the opposing army literally retreated before Frances army even made it to the battle field after he had heard that the young God fearing woman was leading them.

She was extremely instrumental in turning the tides for France in the 100 Years War. Controversy clouds the end of life and multiple theories exist, but she was burned at the stake in 1431. Only later to have her name cleared of any wrong doing 20 yrs after her death by Charles the 7th, and later to be canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.


In coming years we will see more believers like Joan of Arc transform nations, this move of God has already begun.

These followers of Christ will be in right relationship with God and His people, but will not hold denominational allegiances. They will adamantly profess that they are simply a "follower of Jesus and representatives of His Kingdom."

These men and women with callings and mandates directly from God will be used by God to end wars, transform entire nations political landscapes, bring resolution to social justice issues, end abortion, reshape nations economy's, and transform entire sphere's of influence.

Often times they won't have what the world would say is the, "needed credentials," to carry out the task they have been given from Heaven.

You will know these sons and daughters of God by their Divine favor, Godly character, and supernatural ability to accomplish the impossible.

Through these world changers God will give us a new understanding of, "God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." -1 Corinthians 1:27

We will see modern day Joan of Arc's that will bring peace to nations at war, and it will be done through the wisdom and gifts of the Spirit. We will see modern day David vs Goliath moments, where God will use people who are completely "unqualified" by the worlds standards to bring down insurmountable foes.

We will see modern day Moses' who will lead entire people groups to freedom and prosperity, and we will see the raw power of God flow through these believers in undeniable and unstoppable ways.

God is truly releasing His people to be world leaders and bring the solutions and change that the world has been longing for.

Some media outlets will make it their goal to destroy these instruments for the Kingdom, but the media persecution will only cause the majority of them to be even more effective and fruitful.

God's Kingdom is coming and His will is happening.

Writer's picture: Erik Frederickson - Life Coach and Recovery CoachErik Frederickson - Life Coach and Recovery Coach

As the COVID fiasco continues people continue to suffer and die, but not primarily from COVID.

"Of all the deaths attributed to COVID, a mere 6% of those deaths had COVID alone cited as the cause," cited the Dailywire.

"For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death," the CDC report stated.

Turns out what many thought all along is turning out to be proven true, COVID is no where near as deadly as was suspected. Major government screw ups? Major government cover ups? Both? Who knows, but the solution to the perceived problem has become the real problem.

Drug overdoses in America dropped for the first time in 25 years in 2018, but increased in 2019 to just under 72,000. With nation wide reports of overdoses soaring during the last four to five months, it is looking like this year has the potential to be the worst year for overdoses in over 25 yrs.

As someone in long term recovery, and someone that works in the addiction treatment industry, I can say first hand that isolation is like kryptonite when it comes to recovery. Relationships, meetings, conversations over coffee, and healthy social outings are a life line for people in recovery.

The shocking part is that even after the recent reports from the CDC, Government restrictions haven't changed much. In many states masks are still mandatory, and in some states businesses and churches are still closed.

In the midst of all of this some sad truths are bursting to the surface of society.

California has seen more suicide deaths than COVID deaths, and mind you that was with the fabricated deaths tolls. Some mental health hotlines have seen as much as a %900 increase in calls during the restrictions.

These major problems don't even include the financial issues people are facing, the issues that small businesses are facing (if they even survived this mess), and the list could go on.

Call your city and state representatives, make your voice heard, it's time we turn a corner on this thing. People are suffering and dying, and it's not primarily COVID causing that.


Erik Frederickson is Life and Recovery Coach. He has clients all over the world and he is considered an expert at helping people transform their life in powerful ways.

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